You CAN Help Your Pet Live Longer.

Here’s How. 

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Helping Your Pet Live Longer

There’s nothing more important.

Helping Your Pet Live Longer.

It sounds like science fiction, doesn’t it?  But here’s the deal.  Multiple studies show that we CAN help our pets live longer lives. How?

  • SUPPLEMENTS — curcumin, resveratrol, berberine, UC-II, and CBD
  • LIFESTYLE — weight maintenance, low-impact exercise, choosing where to exercise.
  • UNDERSTANDING BREED RISKS — Chihuahuas are not just small St. Bernards.  Every breed of dog has individual health risks that we need to address.
  • DIET — Feeding to manage weight, ketogenic diets, intermittent fasting, and food quality
  • MEDICAL — Stop “INFLAMM-AGING”:  Aggressive dental care, minimizing pesticides; understanding pros and cons of vaccines and medications.








      Here’s A Deeper Dive into Helping Your Pet Live Longer…



      • Think now about your dog’s joints a decade from now.
      • Low impact exercise will help your dog live longer.  The more “flyball” or flying Frisbee catches your dog enjoys, the shorter their orthopedic life.
      • Exercise location — level ground with good footing

      FLEAS AND TICKS cause both inflammation and misery, and require the use of  toxins to eradicate.

      ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS — If you don’t see weeds, maybe you shouldn’t walk there. RoundUp and WeedNFeed products have been linked to cancer in dogs. Many groundskeepers at public parks and golf courses use such products every day on the areas you may walk your dog.



      • The single most important thing you can ask your vet is “WHY?”.   Why should we use this vaccine, why should we treat this, why should we do surgery.  Never forget this rule.
      • The whole goal of medicine should be to REDUCE INFLAMMATIONin your pet  What causes inflammation?  Dental disease, allergies, vaccines, arthritis
      • Recognize that VACCINES ARE DESIGNED TO CREATE INFLAMMATION — so understand what diseases your pet is at risk for and vaccinate against them. RECOGNIZE WHAT DISEASES YOUR PET IS NOT AT RISK FOR, AND AVOID THESE VACCINES. 
      • THINK ABOUT THE PROS AND CONS OF ORAL OR TOPICAL PESTICIDES FOR YOUR PET. The benefits? Minimizing parasites… and that is significant if you live in a flea/tick endemic area.  The negatives?  Cumulative exposure to toxins can predispose our pets to liver and kidney disease, and cancer.
      • THINK ABOUT THE PROS AND CONS OF HEARTWORM PREVENTION FOR YOUR PET. If you are in an endemic area, your pets should be on a preventive.  There are mountainous or cool areas, however, where heartworm is simply not a risk.


      • The primary health risk for dogs under 20# is DENTAL DISEASE, which will reduce lifespan by up to 15%. The solution?  Routine anesthetic dentals beginning at 3 years of age.
      • The primary health risks for dogs over 50# are ORTHOPEDICS and CANCER
      • Long wheelbase dogs, like Dachshunds and Corgis, are poster children for SPINAL DISEASE. How to minimize that?  Keep them thin, and AVOID jumping or stairs.  Really.
      • Floppy eared dogs are prone to painful EAR INFLAMMATION. The solution?  Routine weekly ear flushes, keep the ear hair trimmed short.
      • Cats: DENTAL DISEASE is a really big problem. Use vaccines ONLY when you have a proven need.



      CURCUMIN:  Every pet and human should take a quality curcumin supplement.  Yes, like LONGEVITY PLUS.  Why? 

      • The most potent natural anti-inflammatory herb;
      • actively fights cancer;
      • reduces risks of diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, allergies, IBD
      • … and the list goes on.  4200 studies and counting.

      RESVERATROL: anti-inflammatory and mimics the benefits of fasting.

      BERBERINE:  reduces fluxes in blood sugar which set the table for diabetes and cancer.  Particularly valuable for Schnauzers and pets with a history of pancreatitis.

      UC-II: proven more effective than glucosamine/chondroitin in solving pain

      CBD: another anti-inflammatory supplement which inhibits cancer, stress,nausea, allergies, and pain.  Not a bad combination.  


      • DON’T MAKE YOUR DOG FAT. Fat actually makes its own inflammation. Enough said.
      • THE BETTER QUALITY YOUR DOG’S FOOD, THE LONGER THEY WILL LIVE.  Dogs fed home cooked diets live longer than those fed from a bag or can.
      • INTERMITTENT FASTING (no food for 14-18 hours, then two meals in 8-10 hours) has been proven to extend healthspan and reduce cancer. 
      • KETOGENIC DIETS appear to have similar benefits. This is an area that I am actively studying right now.


      RAPAMYCIN — We are the only online source of prescription rapamycin for your dog.  Rapamycin has been proven to extend lifespan in every mammalian species studied to date, and is the basis for the decade-long Dog Aging Project currently underway.  Rapamycin also helps heart function in cardiac patients, and has significant anti- cancer and anti- inflammatory benefits as well.  Learn More Here.

      METFORMIN is another prescription drug which helps to modulate glucose flux within the body and also has been proven to fight cancer in both dogs and humans.  It also has been shown to be a benefit for dogs with cardiac disease.  Actively being studied for pets right now.

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      Here’s How We Help Your Pet Live Longer.

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      Kevin Toman, DVM